December 30, 2013 The Pump Handle

On March 12, 2003, the World Health Organization issued a global health alert for an atypical pneumonia that was soon dubbed SARS, severe acute respiratory syndrome. Ten years later, the International Health Regulations have been revised, but the US isn’t doing enough to maintain its surveillance and response capabilities. (Re-post, by Liz Borkowski)

December 2, 2013 The Pump Handle 1Comment

If you think that Obama’s health insurance debacle is the first time that software problems have derailed a national health insurance plan, you would be wrong. I recall a similar event in Prague in 1995.

September 4, 2013 The Pump Handle 1Comment

How do Edward Snowden and his revelations impinge on public health and its practice, in the US and around the world? In their Editorial, “Least Untruthful, a new standard?” the Co-Editors of the Journal of Public Health Policy have spelled out some important implications for public health.